Installation / FAQ
Your Forever Litter Tray is designed to be reliable and easy to use. If you run into trouble or just looking for tips, we’ve got you covered. Can’t find your answer here? Contact us directly for customer support.

How To Install
Your Forever Litter Tray can be easily installed in under a minute. The below graphic shows installation on a 1st Generation machine, however, installation is similar on all versions. Simply follow these quick steps.
Slide Your Forever Litter Tray Under The ScoopFree

Attach The Forever Flap Metal Tabs To The Magnets Under The Cover

Attach The Cover To Your Machine

Pour Crystals In & Spread Evenly

Follow manufacturer’s instructions for correct cover attachment depending on your model of machine. First-generation ScoopFree owners, please take special note regarding the correct peg attachment. See graphic →

Compatible With All ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Machines
The Forever Litter Tray comes with the Forever Flap to help contain odors under your cover, and fits all versions of PetSafe ScoopFree machines: 1st, generation, 2nd generation and the ScoopFree Smart. Simply attach the metal tabs on the flap to the existing magnets on your ScoopFree cover per the instructions.
Cleaning & Maintenance
What's the Purpose of that barrier near one end of the tray? Not what you think!
Notice that little barrier at the back end of the Forever Litter Tray? Many people think it’s “the poop compartment”.
It’s one of the most common misconceptions about the tray design. The purpose of that barrier is not to define the poop compartment or waste storage area, but rather to reduce the sliding of the crystal litter as the rake pushes things in that direction under the purple cover. The actual waste storage area is the entire area under the purple cover, although as the time to change the tray gets closer you will definitely tend to see more waste pushed over the barrier. So don’t be concerned if you don’t see all the poops deposited over the barrier — as long as they are under the purple cover everything is working as it should.
Cleaning Your Tray
While the plastic in our trays contains highest quality non-porous plastic, they do need a good cleaning now and then. One of the best (most natural, cat and eco-friendly) ways we’ve found to clean and deodorize trays is by giving the bottom a good soak in a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water. Soak for several hours (or even better overnight if you have a spare tray) and then scrub gently with a scrubbing sponge and it should come squeaky clean and odor free again.
You may experience what appears to be some staining and odor in a particular spot on your tray. This is due to the fact that cats prefer to urinate in the same spot, and is actually not a stain in the plastic but rather a buildup of urine solids on the plastic. This is quite easily removed using the method described above. Our latest tray design incorporates a newly available formulation of highest quality non-porous plastic that prevents this happening for most cat owners however if you experience the buildup this easy tip can help give you many years of trouble-free (and odor free) use.
Another product that we’ve found is SENSATIONAL in cleaning stains and removing odors is Rocco & Roxie Stain and Odor Eliminator, available on Amazon. We’ve tested it ourselves and can honestly say this stuff really works. Otherwise any enzyme-based pet stain odor/cleaner will work fine.
We have had some questions about lining the tray with a plastic garbage bag or with puppy pads to try to make litter changes easier. We specifically recommend NOT to do this, as there is a high probability of your cat digging the bag/pad up, causing it to snag on the rake and damage your machine.
Controlling Odors
It’s no mystery that everyone wants to find that magic solution for controlling odors and for getting at the same time getting the longest life from their litter with the least effort. In fact, as always the answers are things we already know, and often quite simple:
Choice of litter: As with so many other things, quality is important. Cheap crystal litter won’t absorb as well as premium litters and so won’t last as long. A good quality crystal will last much longer and perform better. Scented brands only mask odor for you as a human, but not your cat. They smell a lot better than we do.
Rake and Stir: Very important!! This takes minimal effort and reaps huge benefits for you, your cat, and your pocketbook. (See the dedicated “Rake and Stir” section below).
Choice of Food: Our cats are no different from us in this regard. Certain foods will produce some horrible smells — but there’s no reason you can’t find a good, healthy food (see “Food Tips” below) that can also help in this regard.
Regular box cleaning: This seems like a no-brainer, but many people neglect the box and don’t understand why it stinks. If you use all the above tips and then learn when “it’s time” to change the box, everyone will be happier. Your cat smells a stinky litter box way before our noses detect it. Please also see “Cleaning your Tray” below for more specifics.
Baking soda: Many people find sprinkling a light dusting of baking soda in their trays after the tray is dry, and just before pouring the crystals in at changing time helps keep odors down.
Ventilation: Put the box in a well vented area. An ideal room is one with a vent fan and a window that you can open to the outdoors. Fresh air is your friend, especially in allowing your crystal litter to release moisture (see “Moisture and Your Crystal Litter” below for more details). You and your cat will appreciate a well vented litter box area.
One final item that we’ve found is SENSATIONAL in cleaning stains and removing odors is Rocco & Roxie Stain and Odor Eliminator. We’ve tested it ourselves and can honestly say this stuff really works! Click here to see it on Amazon.
Food Tips
Cats are family. We love them as much as we love our children, or we have cats instead of children. We shelter them, play with them, talk to them, cuddle them and feed them. But what, exactly, are we feeing them?
When you buy that colorful package of cat food, are you really getting what you think you’re paying for? Or are you being steered in the wrong direction?
If you have questions about the food in your pet’s bowl, you might be inclined to do a little research. We’ve found two great links to help you make some informed choices:
Rake Tips
If you find you’re getting “stuff” stuck to your rake (or that it may be starting to rust) we suggest a good cleaning (including possibly a ScotchBrite pad or light steel wool). Be careful not to bend any rake tines, as they bend easily. Then spray a light coating of non-stick cooking spray after cleaning. It will help prevent rust, will make the rake more “slippery”, and won’t harm your cat! Re-apply the spray periodically to prevent further rust and keep the rake slippery.
Crystal Litter Information & Tips
The ScoopFree system was designed entirely around the use of crystal litter, using a very specific amount per change for best performance. Using other types of litter such as clay or clumping versions will damage your expensive machine and generally won’t work.
After independent lab testing, the crystal litter we’ve found that works best is Fresh Step Crystals. The best pricing and availability for U.S. customers is from Target and Walmart.
Your choice in crystal litter is extremely important, and can be the difference between a litter box that is easy to keep clean and odor free (which your cat loves!) or one that’s a perpetual stinky mess that needs way too much work. Like other products on the market, not all crystal litters are the same, and quality (meaning absorbency, odor control and dust) varies greatly. There are standard ratings (measured in ml/gm) for crystal gel litter, so be aware they are not all the same. Beyond that, it’s important how much litter goes into your tray at each change.
Here are the most important tips we’ve learned:
- Size of crystals: The ideal size range for your crystals is in the 1mm to 4mm size. As you don’t carry a micrometer in your pocket, what that means is that the cheap bargain brands with the huge crystals won’t work well, for a couple of reasons. As these are typically made very cheaply, their absorbency capability is at the bottom of the scale so will perform poorly. The other factor to keep in mind is that the ScoopFree® machine’s rake is designed to work best with crystals in the size range mentioned above, so if the crystals are too large the rake will just push them to the end of the box where they’ll just pile up. Be wary also of the fine, sand-like crystal litters, as these are also cheaply made and will quickly turn to sludge on the bottom of your tray.
- Ideal quantity per change: The ideal recommended amount of crystals per litter change is 4.4 to 4.5lbs. Be aware that unfortunately, most crystal litters come only in 4lb. or 8lb. bags, so you’ll need to find a way to ensure you have approximately the right quantity.
FOR OUR CUSTOMERS IN AUSTRALIA: Thanks to a fellow cat owner and Aussie Forever Litter Tray user, we suggest that the best option currently available over there is the SoPhresh brand, carried by PetBarn. (Thanks Erin!!)
The biggest variable in odor control in cat litter is your choice of crystal litter. Using a premium quality litter and doing an occasional “rake and stir” (please see our Cleaning video) will extend the life of your litter significantly, and at the same time reduce odor. Occasional “stirring” will allow them to release moisture to the air (not urine, but water vapor) and will allow them to then be able to absorb more liquid and odor. This ability to “off gas” and then absorb more again is the significant difference between silica crystals and conventional litters.
The operative word is “occasional” — once a day is ideal, but every other day is fine. It can make a huge difference, and just spending 30 seconds for a “rake and stir” results in less trouble and smell than any other litter you have used. Cats tend to always urinate in the same spot, so what we mean by “stir” is to rake up the crystals from this dampest spot and distribute (really mix them in) with the dry crystals and “off gas” water vapor, extending crystal life significantly. Remember, moisture is the enemy of your crystal cat litter. Placement of your litter box in a dry, well-ventilated area will pay huge dividends in getting the most out of it.
A great tip from Chuck (one of our customers) to help you extend crystal life:
“My tip on making the litter last longer: good air circulation. Silica gel absorbs liquid fairly quickly, and releases it as water vapor fairly slowly.
When used as litter, it absorbs urine and desiccates solid waste. Unless the silica gel itself can dry out (by releasing water vapor), it won’t last long at all in a litter box. So, it works better in the summer than in the winter, and better on dry days than rainy ones.
If you can place the litter box where there’s a breeze, the litter will last a lot longer. Or you can try what I’ve recently done: put a small fan above the box, so that it gently blows air across the litter.
During the winter and spring, the litter has been lasting only 10 days with two cats whereas in the summer it was stretching out to 14 days). With the fan in the spring, the litter was still OK after 15 days.
The litter still needs to be stirred every other day, especially towards the end of its useful life.”
Sadly, dust seems to be a component of just about all cat litters, some worse than others. Clay litter has a particularly bad reputation for dust, and crystal litter isn’t completely immune from producing dust, especially the cheaper brands. There are several variables in what causes dust on crystal litter, the two chief ones being the manufacturing process and the other being handling during shipping. Even the top premium brands if handled roughly will develop a certain amount of dust in the bag. (Just picture all those little crystals being jostled around and grinding against each other during transit).
The time when the dust is most noticeable is when pouring into the litter box or tray. The way you can significantly reduce this is to try the following:
- Sit the unopened bag in the box or tray
- Cut off the top and gently lay the bag down
- Slide the bag away from the litter, instead of pouring it out
- Spread evenly in the tray or box
The most important factor in controlling odors is through using our recommended regular “rake and stir” routine. You’ll be amazed at the great improvements not only in odor but in longevity of your litter by doing a simple 30 second rake and stir every other day.
Beyond doing that suggested regular “rake and stir” the other biggest variable for controlling odor is what goes into your cat. The right cat food can make a huge difference between a miserably stinky environment and one that’s odor free. Just as in humans, you’ll need to do some experimenting and research to learn what foods work best for your cat (and is the least offensive smelling), however as cats are obligate carnivores, a good rule of thumb is to feed your cat as little grain as possible and as much raw food as you can. The best all-around resource we’ve found to date on foods is . It’s an older website, but totally worth a browse!
This is one of the more common mix-ups we get questions about, as people confuse Crystalline silica with Silica Gel Crystals. Crystalline silica is a form of quartz similar in some ways to asbestos, that occurs commonly in nature and is most commonly found in CLAY types of litter. Long term airborne exposure to crystalline silica can be dangerous. The amount of airborne crystalline silica is regulated by OSHA, and in clay litters the amount must be less than 1% to meet specific OSHA limits. Clay litter manufacturers regularly test their incoming clays to make sure those limits are not exceeded. (Please visit for more information about crystalline silica).
There are NO silica gel cat litters that contain crystalline silica. Silica gel crystals (also known as amorphous silica), is a different, manufactured compound which has an excellent safety record and has been on the market for over a couple of decades.
It is made of other elements entirely, with a chemical composition similar to sand. Silica gel is so safe it is used in medicine bottles to keep medications dry, and was used during WW1 and WW2 in gas masks.
My Rake Stops in Mid-Cycle
Your rake has just mysteriously stopped in mid cycle, and the little light is blinking! Turning the power off and then back on sends the rake back to the “home” position, but when you try to cycle the machine it just happens again.
Not to worry – you just need to clean the two little electric eyes on either side in the middle of the box and everything will start working again.
These electric eyes are designed for your kitty’s safety. Basically once the timer is tripped for the rake to cycle, the electric eyes are there to ensure your cat isn’t in the box in front of the advancing rake. If they detect something between them, they stop the machine.
That “something” could be either your kitten, or litter that’s piled too high in the box and blocking the eye or……just dirt! If it’s dirt, all you need is a damp cotton swab to clean them out, and you should be all good to go again.
If this doesn’t work for you then there may be something else going on, but it’s very rare, so try these steps first. If this doesn’t fix the problem then just drop us a message below and one of our team will get back to you asap to brainstorm possible solutions.
.Your flap getting knocked off is typically due to using either too much or the wrong type of litter in your tray. If there’s too much litter in the tray, when the rake starts going towards the poop compartment the litter piles up, and either knocks the flap off when going towards the poop compartment. The other thing that can happen is the rake will have too much resistance when on its return trip from under the poop compartment cover, and will flip too soon under there, and catch on the flap and knock it off.
The best way to prevent this is to always use the recommended type of crystal litter, and never overfill past the “Fill Line” on the sides of the tray
We are committed to ensuring you have a tray that will last you a lifetime! We can replace and repair pieces depending on when and where you ordered, so please start a support request in the form below to see how we can best help you.
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Problem? Question? Please drop us a note and we’ll respond within 24 hours.